Mentorships + Coaching

Storytelling Education

I am SO excited for the opportunity to teach you everything that I know that helped me go from a struggling photographer, to being constantly booked for shoots, weddings and coaching AND
making over 6 figures each year! 

Growing in my business has been a journey of learning all the Ins and outs, spending hours working, soaking in information and, of course,
trial and error, in order to be where I am today!

I can’t Imagine keeping my knowledge  to myself and not helping you grow too!

 I am so excited to get started with you and watch your growth absolutely SKY ROCKET!!

So, let's do this!!

"Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come."


• Marketing
• Invoicing
• Client Experience
• Editing

This is a one hour mentorship where we cover as much as we possibly can in a one hour time frame! Your time is valuable so we will make the absolute most of it! Ask me any and all questions you have! 

The same questionnaire will be sent to you, and I will prepare an actionable list for you to use in growing your business!

1 HR Zoom Mentorship

This is a two hour zoom mentorship where I analyze your pain points, website, social media and focus the mentorship on the exact things you want to improve!

I answer any, and every question that you have about my business, but the ultimate goal here is to make sure that you walk away with real steps to take to grow your business and your personal creativity.

The Ultimate Q & A Mentorship


This is a 2 hour in person mentorship with a styled photoshoot (family or couple) where we go over all the questions that you have, social reviews and more. In addition you will see my process from start to finish with my couples, watch me direct.

You will photograph while I guide and answer questions alongside you, give your constructive feedback and help give you hands on experience while building your portfolio! We end up spending quite a bit of time together and it’s honestly amazing!!!

The Adventure Mentorship




• Posing
• Booking
• Instagram

Topics we can cover:

and more!

- Christine Small Photography

“I want you to know, wholeheartedly, that you've completely changed my life. My style was so disorganized and I've felt for years that something was missing and it wasn't until I found you and you helped steer me in the right direction that I finally feel like I'm doing what I LOVE! I could cry I'm so freaking happy...”

Introducing 1:1 Coaching!

THIS! This Is for you If you are tired of being Inconsistent, lacking direction,
actionable plans /steps and you CRAVE MORE! 

For 3 months, this coaching plan will allow me to give you clear direction each week. You will check In with me on a 30 minute phone call Once a week OR for one hour 2X a month. We will discuss your wins, your points of struggle and create an actionable plan for the next week.

I will coach you through your questions, teaching you all I know along the way.

This allows me to be Involved In your growth actively. Pushing you to hit your goals and see those $10k + months! 

The Ultimate
3 Month Coaching Plan


I do! If you have specific questions on Lightroom Classic and how to edit, find your style, I can absolutely help you and we can cater your mentorship towards editing!

Do you offer Editing Sessions?

Yes! Reach out to me so we can talk more specifically about what areas of growth you have and we will discuss a plan and pricing for your monthly calls!

Do you offer 1x a month coaching calls?

Depends on the kind of session! For zoom mentorships it is generally 2-3 weeks out. For in-person mentorships and styled shoots, generally 1 month. There are sometimes last minute openings, so be sure to reach out to me and check!


Frequently Asked Questions

"ALEXX!!!!!! Sharing a major win with you - I just did my numbers and I brought in over $9,000!!!! The most I've ever done!!!!"